Here we bring you all the latest news from the world of the PlayStation Network. Including all up-to-date updates on games and the PlayStation Store itself.

PS Network News

PSN Store Full EU Update 25/06/09

25/06/2009 16:51
This weeks EU PlayStation Store has had an update with a few new downloads available including: Games Zuma (£6.99) Super Stardust HD: 2 Year Anniversary (£1.59) Game Add-Ons LittleBigPlanet - Solstice Costume Pack (Free) LittleBigPlanet - Jon Burgerman Original Sticker Kit...

PSN has 25 Million Users

24/06/2009 13:10
The PlayStation Network is big, so big infact that it has been announced in a Sony press release that the PlayStation Network now has over 25 million user accounts. The press release entitled 'PlayStation Network Proves Content Is King' also told us that Final Fantasy VII was the biggest...

Final Fantasy VII Hits 100,000

23/06/2009 20:52
It has been revealed the the PS One Classic Final Fantasy VII has been downloaded 100,000 times since it's re-release on the PlayStation Store two weeks ago. According to Joystiq, VII is now the fastest selling PS One Classic game that has been re-released on the PlayStation Network with Resident...

The Punisher: No Mercy hits PSN on July 2

23/06/2009 13:27
 Zen Studios have today announced that The Punicher: No Mercy will be making it's way onto the PlayStation Network on July 2. The game will be available for download at a price of $9.99 (Possibly £7.99). Zsolt Kigyossy, Managing Director of Zen said: "Our team has been working long hours to...

SingStar Update

22/06/2009 20:44
It has been announced on the European PlayStation Blog that SingStar will be getting a Take That Song Pack this week on the SingStore. Also coming to the SingStore this week is: Adam and the Ants - Stand and Deliver Blur - There's no other way Neon 2 - Tassa Talossa Patch 4.10 is also...

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