New Motion Controller Details Revealed
22/06/2009 10:37Many questions have been asked about the new PlayStation 3's Eye-Powered Motion Controller or the 'PS3 Wand'. Kotaku have now revealed a few new details about this brilliant device.
One quite big detail concerning the wand is that you will be able to use up to 4 wands at one time. This will certainly be good for multiplayer if you have a few mates over. It was also revealed that when the motion controller is released in Spring 2010, it will be arriving with a "range of first-party and third-party content". Sony also said the new controller is capable of functioning with "any games across all genres from casual to hardcore". The PS3's Motion Controller will use the Eye-Toy's built-in microphone for voice recognition.
Sony also said that they are "currently looking into the possiblility" of combining the motion controller with the current DualShock controller with an example of "the motion controller as a sword and the DualShock 3 as a shield"
The Controller will be released in Spring 2010 (No solid date confirmed) and could be included in a bundle package with the PS3's Eye Toy. More details expected soon.