Modern Warfare 2 Special Ops Mode is 2 Player

23/06/2009 15:12

Infinity Ward have said that two-player is the "magic number" for co-op.

It was revealed that Modern Warfare 2 would not feature a Campign Co-op mode but an all new Special Ops mode which is "designed to be replayed over and over again". Speaking to VideoGamer, Robert Bowling, director of communications/community manager at Infinity Ward has said that they didn't want to "ruin the story by cramming co-op into it"

Bowling said "We don’t do co-op in our story because we’re crafting a very specific experience and we don’t want to ruin that by cramming co-op into it. We take the moments that work really well with co-op, we bring them out and we put them in Special Ops.”

He said that the story is all about pacing and he then added “Sometimes moments get toned down because they don’t fit with the pacing of the experience you’re trying to deliver. There (in Special Ops) it’s all about fun. It’s about playing over and over again, getting a better time – you’ll have a time at the end of it – it’s about challenging a friend going in on co-op and trying to beat it on veteran.”

Modern Warfare 2 is due out on a worldwide basis on November 10 and is set to become the biggest selling in gaming history. The prequel, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare has already been named Game of the Year for 2007.


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